
Say you have 5 coins, and you get 2 more coins. How many coins will you have?

松浦 庸夫. アメリカの小学校教科書ドリルでおもしろいほど英語が身につく! (impress QuickBooks) (Kindle の位置No.95-96). . Kindle 版.


「乗客は何人?」7歳向けの “算数の問題” に混乱する大人続出 | ロケットニュース24



There were some people on a train

19 people get off the train at the first stop

17 people get on the train

Now there are 63 people on the train

How many people were on the train to begin with?


"How many people are on the train from the beginning ?" Who said so?