



We are bound up by the law of nature with the whole fabric of the world.[15] In the world the true position of a human is that of a member of a great system.[15] Each human being is in the first instance a citizen of one's own nation or commonwealth; but we are also a member of the great city of gods and people.[15] Nature places us in certain relations to other persons, and these determine our obligations to parents, siblings, children, relatives, friends, fellow-citizens, and humankind in general.[21]The shortcomings of our fellow people are to be met with patience and charity, and we should not allow ourselves to grow indignant over them, for they too are a necessary element in the universal system.[21]

Discourses of Epictetus-wikipedia


The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Golden Sayings of Epictetus



—What is the Reconquista?

The Reconquista was a long and gradual process of Christian expansion and reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal) from Muslim rule. It spanned over several centuries, beginning in the early 8th century and concluding in the late 15th century. The term "Reconquista" itself means "reconquest" in Spanish.

Here's a general overview of the key phases and events of the Reconquista:

  1. Islamic Conquest (711-718): The Umayyad Muslims from North Africa invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711 AD, defeating the Visigothic Christian rulers. They quickly established Muslim rule over much of the region.

  2. Christian Resistance (8th-10th centuries): Christian kingdoms in the northern part of the peninsula, such as Asturias, Leon, and Navarre, began resisting Muslim rule. The Battle of Covadonga in 722 is often considered the starting point of Christian resistance.

  3. The Kingdom of Asturias (8th-10th centuries): The Asturian kingdom in the northwestern part of the peninsula played a crucial role in preserving Christian culture and identity during the early years of Muslim rule.

  4. The Rise of Christian Kingdoms (11th-13th centuries): Over time, Christian kingdoms like Castile, Aragon, and Portugal began to expand their territories southward. The capture of Toledo by King Alfonso VI of Castile in 1085 marked a significant milestone.

  5. The Formation of the Spanish Reconquista (11th-15th centuries): As Christian kingdoms expanded and coalesced, the Reconquista gained momentum. Key events during this period include the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212 and the capture of Granada in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, which marked the end of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula.

  6. Expulsion and Conversion (late 15th century): With the fall of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold, many Muslims and Jews were given the choice to convert to Christianity or leave the peninsula. This led to the forced conversion or expulsion of these communities.

The Reconquista had a profound impact on the history and culture of the Iberian Peninsula. It not only resulted in the Christian re-establishment of control over the region but also shaped the religious and cultural dynamics, contributing to the development of what we now know as modern Spain and Portugal. It also had significant implications for the rest of Europe, as it facilitated cultural exchanges and the transfer of knowledge between the Christian and Muslim worlds.



  1. イスラム征服(711-718年):北アフリカウマイヤ朝ムスリムが711年にイベリア半島に侵入し、西ゴート王国を打倒しました。彼らは迅速に地域のムスリム支配を確立しました。

  2. キリスト教の抵抗(8世紀-10世紀):イベリア半島の北部にあるキリスト教国、例えばアストゥリアス、レオン、ナバーラなどがムスリム支配に抵抗し始めました。722年のコバドンガの戦いは、キリスト教の抵抗の始まりとされています。

  3. アストゥリアス王国(8世紀-10世紀):ムスリム支配初期において、アストゥリアス王国キリスト教の文化とアイデンティティを保存するために重要な役割を果たしました。

  4. キリスト教王国の台頭(11世紀-13世紀):時間の経過とともに、カスティーリャアラゴンポルトガルなどのキリスト教王国が南方に領土を拡大し始めました。1085年にカスティーリャのアルフォンソ6世がトレドを占拠したことは重要な節目でした。

  5. スペイン・レコンキスタの形成(11世紀-15世紀):キリスト教王国が拡大し統合されるにつれ、レコンキスタは勢いを増しました。この期間における重要な出来事には、1212年のラス・ナバス・デ・トロサの戦いと、カトリック両王フェルディナンドとイサベルによる1492年のグラナダの占拠が含まれ、これによりイベリア半島でのムスリム支配が終了しました。

  6. 追放と改宗(15世紀後半):グラナダの陥落とともに、最後のムスリム拠点であるその他のコミュニティがキリスト教への改宗または追放を選択するよう要求されました。








19世紀に生きた、プリンス・コンソート、アルバート(Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1819年8月26日 - 1861年12月14日)を描いたこの絵画がなぜマニエリスムの技法に沿っているのか

アルバート (ザクセン=コーブルク=ゴータ公子) - Wikipedia