天皇制批判の(法学的)常識 "oath"and"pragmatically"




★★★★☆ 中世に対する思い込みをバッサリ切ってくれる良書

「エラマン・ノート」(『日本国憲法制定秘史』)が面白くて、軍人ばっかりなんだけれど、『戦後改革 7経済改革』における  を彷彿させる、理想を実現する意欲に満ちたエリートらしさを隠さない。

日本国憲法制定秘史 P.4

凡 例

  • 本資料はミシガン大学アジア図書館所蔵の「ハッシー文書 Hussy Papers」の中の「エラマン・ノート Ellerman Note」の中の運営委員会と各小委員会の合同会議「総司令部案作成討議」を対象とする。
  • 総司令部案起草の背景に関しては、すでに優れた研究発表が公刊されているので「エラマン・ノート」を理解するための必要最小限度に留める。
  • 「エラマン・ノート」の翻訳に際してアメリカ人的な発想を尊重して原語に相応した訳語を当て、どうしても不適当な用語に関しては一般に使用される言葉を当てる。
日本国憲法制定の系譜 PP.32-33


68 『ラウエル文書』貴種書、A000:1636

このラウエル文書は、まず1965年から1967年まで『ジュリスト誌』で紹介された。そののち1972年に原文・翻訳・解題が、解説とともに『日本国憲法制定の過程』として刊行された。ラウエル文書には、GHQ案の一つ前の段階のGHQ第2次案と、秘書役のエラマン(Ruth Ellerman,1915?-)による「タイプされた会議録」が含まれている。(70)

70 生年は年齢からの逆算で、1年の誤差がありうる。エラマンは、シンシナティ大学卒、シカゴ大学修士号を取った女性である。ゴードン, 1995,138

日本国憲法制定秘史 P.2






"oath clause"(宣誓条項)?"pragmatically"(実用主義的に)?



ラウエル陸軍中佐 天皇は、即位したとき、国家の一機関としての地位により憲法支持する義務を負う。

ハッシー海軍中佐 天皇はその皇位を継承すれば、本憲法支持する義務がある。

ケーディス陸軍大佐 (即位は)実用主義に、非宗教的に(なされなければならない)。否決する。(憲法を支持する宣誓は)憲法より高い権威を推測させる。

ハッシー海軍中佐 支持するアングロ・サクソン方式は必要がない。他の公務員の宣誓も削除。





日本語 英語 アメリカ合衆国憲法や州法の可能性のある単語
支持する Support Support
実用主義 Pragmatic Pragmatic
宗教的 Religious Religious
権威 Authority Authority
より高い権威 Higher Authority Higher Authority
アングロ・サクソン方式 Anglo-Saxon Tradition Anglo-Saxon Tradition


例えば、「天皇は、即位したとき、国家の一機関としての地位により憲法を支持する義務を負う。」をChatGTPに「法的文章として格調高く」翻訳してさせると、"The Emperor, upon ascending to the throne, assumes the duty to support the Constitution by virtue of the position as an integral institution of the state."となる。

天皇の権力に関しては Power for the Throne の代わりに Power of Empire の表現を使う

PP.34-35,(19-3-C-3-31)「第六条 国会は天皇を承認することを主張する。国会の特別の承認がない限り、天皇の権力は存在しない。」


護国卿 - Wikipedia


イギリス君主の称号 - Wikipedia

日本国憲法第6条 - Wikipedia

国事行為 - Wikipedia

皇室財産 - Wikipedia

天皇の公的行為 - Wikipedia


P.93「権威(主義の)authority(authoritarian)」、P.133「実用新案権utility model right;utility model patent」



1195 support ☆   12 回 〈…を〉支える   〈家族などを〉養う、扶養する

AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.133). Kindle 版.

2970 defend ☆   4 回

守る、保護する   擁護する、支持する

AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.315). Kindle 版.

9 pragmatic   53 回

実際的な実用的な   実用主義

AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.11). Kindle 版.

148 pragmatism   83 回

哲学の実用主義プラグマティズム   実益主義、実用本位

AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.25). Kindle 版.

261 pragmatically   20 回 


AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.37). Kindle 版.

424 practical ☆   51 回

実際上の、実地の   実用的な、実際の役に立つ

AYM English. 一冊英単語 プラグマティズム / ウィリアム・ジェームズ: 名著で英語多読 (p.55). Kindle 版.




—Could you explain the historical background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

Swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution was a significant aspect of governance and societal order in early medieval England. The Anglo-Saxon period, spanning roughly from the 5th century to the Norman Conquest in 1066, was characterized by a decentralized system of governance where local leaders, or lords, held considerable power within their territories. This system was underpinned by a set of customary laws, traditions, and agreements that formed the Anglo-Saxon constitution.

Allegiance during this time was a crucial aspect of societal structure and political stability. It was commonly sworn between a lord (often a king) and their vassals or subjects. Swearing allegiance, typically through oaths, established a mutual bond of loyalty and protection. These oaths were not merely symbolic but held legal and moral weight, forming the basis of the feudal system where loyalty was exchanged for land, protection, and societal order.

One of the most famous instances of swearing allegiance in Anglo-Saxon England is the Coronation Oath, which dates back to at least the time of King Æthelstan in the 10th century. The king would take an oath during their coronation, promising to uphold the law, protect the Church, defend the realm, and govern justly. In return, the subjects swore fealty to the king, promising loyalty and military service.

These oaths and allegiances were integral to the stability and functioning of Anglo-Saxon society. They established a framework for social order and were essential in maintaining the peace and cooperation between various lords and their vassals. The breaking of such oaths was considered a severe breach of trust and often led to severe consequences, including loss of land, title, or even exile.

The Norman Conquest in 1066 significantly altered the English political landscape. The Normans introduced a more centralized form of governance and a different feudal system that reshaped the ways of swearing allegiance and the concepts of loyalty and governance in England.

Throughout history, the concept of swearing allegiance has evolved, but its roots in the mutual obligations between rulers and subjects, and the maintenance of societal order and stability, trace back to the customs and traditions of the Anglo-Saxon period.







—Could you explain the historical background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

During the Anglo-Saxon era in England, roughly from the 5th century to the Norman Conquest in 1066, swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution was a significant part of governance. This period was characterized by a decentralized system where local leaders, like lords or kings, held considerable power within their territories. The Anglo-Saxon constitution was based on customary laws, traditions, and agreements.

Swearing allegiance was a crucial aspect of society and politics. It involved oaths between a ruler (often a king) and their subjects or vassals. These oaths established a mutual bond of loyalty and protection. They weren't just symbolic but held legal and moral weight, forming the basis of the feudal system where loyalty was exchanged for land, protection, and societal order.

One of the most famous instances was the Coronation Oath, dating back at least to King Æthelstan in the 10th century. During a king's coronation, they promised to uphold the law, protect the Church, defend the realm, and govern justly. In return, subjects swore fealty to the king, promising loyalty and military service.

These oaths and allegiances were vital for social order, peace, and cooperation between lords and their vassals. Breaking these oaths was considered a severe breach, leading to consequences like loss of land or exile.

The Norman Conquest in 1066 transformed England's political landscape, introducing a more centralized governance and altering the nature of swearing allegiance and loyalty within the feudal system.

While the specifics changed over time, the concept of swearing allegiance and the mutual obligations between rulers and subjects to maintain societal order trace back to the customs and traditions of the Anglo-Saxon period.







—Could you explain the religious background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

Certainly. In the context of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution, religion played a pivotal role. The Anglo-Saxon period was predominantly influenced by Christianity, introduced by missionaries in the 6th and 7th centuries. The Christian faith deeply intertwined with the social and political fabric, shaping the principles and ceremonies associated with governance and loyalty.

The concept of swearing allegiance often involved religious rituals or oaths sworn upon religious objects or holy sites, binding individuals under the eyes of God. The Church held considerable influence, and religious ceremonies, such as the coronation of kings, were deeply embedded with religious symbolism and significance.

The Coronation Oath, for instance, included promises to uphold and defend the Church, thus intertwining religious duties with the duties of governance. Swearing fealty to a king was not only a secular act but also carried spiritual significance, emphasizing the divine authority of the ruler.

Additionally, the Christian faith instilled principles of justice, morality, and duty, which were often integrated into the oaths and pledges of loyalty. Breaking such oaths was not only a breach of secular trust but also considered a violation of divine trust and moral principles.

The Church, acting as a moral authority, often mediated conflicts and disputes, enforcing the sanctity of oaths and ensuring the adherence to these sworn commitments. This religious underpinning significantly influenced the cultural and ethical understanding of loyalty and governance during the Anglo-Saxon period.

The intertwining of religious beliefs and governance practices was a hallmark of the time, reflecting the interconnectedness of faith, governance, and societal order in the Anglo-Saxon world.







—Could you explain the symbolic background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

Swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution held significant symbolic importance. The act of pledging loyalty wasn't merely a transaction of words; it was a symbolic ritual that represented a complex web of relationships, power dynamics, and social order.

The oaths symbolized a sacred bond, often conducted with religious overtones, where both parties—ruler and subject—acknowledged their duties under the divine gaze. This ritual was more than a legal formality; it was a symbolic act binding the ruler and the ruled in a relationship akin to that of a lord and his vassals.

The symbolic value extended beyond words; it was embedded in the actions and ceremonies associated with these pledges. For example, the coronation of a king involved elaborate ceremonies, often held in sacred spaces, emphasizing the divine approval and sanction of the ruler's authority. The physical acts of oath-taking, often accompanied by the touching of religious objects or swearing on sacred texts, reinforced the solemnity and gravity of the commitment.

The concept of mutual obligations—protection and loyalty in exchange for security and justice—was symbolically encapsulated in these oaths. Breaking such oaths was not just a breach of contract but a violation of the sacred trust, disrupting the divine and social order.

Swearing allegiance symbolized a covenant, a bond of mutual respect and responsibility between the ruler and the ruled, transcending the mere exchange of power for service. It conveyed the intricate balance of power, responsibility, and divine approval within the socio-political framework of the time.

These symbolic rituals and oaths were not just legal or political customs but deeply ingrained cultural symbols that represented the interconnectedness of power, responsibility, and divine authority in the Anglo-Saxon society.







—Could you explain the impractical background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

Swearing allegiance in the Anglo-Saxon context, while symbolically and morally significant, could also be impractical in some aspects. The feudal system, built on these oaths of loyalty and service, had its challenges and limitations.

One notable impracticality was the decentralized nature of governance. The allegiance sworn to a king or lord often meant providing military service in times of need. However, the vastness of territories and the time it took to gather and mobilize forces could hinder a prompt response to threats or conflicts, especially in the face of sudden invasions or raids.

Furthermore, the feudal system relied heavily on personal relationships and obligations. While this system fostered a sense of mutual responsibility, it also meant that the loyalty and support were contingent upon the personal rapport between the ruler and their vassals. If these personal relationships were strained or mismanaged, it could lead to conflicts or even the withholding of expected support, destabilizing the societal order.

Additionally, the system's dependency on personal ties and oaths posed challenges for maintaining consistency and enforcement of these agreements. Trust was a critical factor, and the breach of trust could lead to severe consequences. However, enforcing these agreements or settling disputes, especially across vast territories, was a logistical challenge. Disputes over the fulfillment of oaths or the interpretation of obligations could lead to conflicts or inefficiencies in governance.

The feudal system's reliance on oaths and personal relationships was not always practical in ensuring swift and effective responses to crises or maintaining consistent governance, especially in times of strained personal relations or large-scale conflicts.

While the system provided a framework for societal order, the reliance on personal relationships and the logistical challenges of mobilizing resources and responses posed practical limitations in effectively upholding the oaths and maintaining stability.







—Could you explain the non-pragmatic background of swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution?

Swearing allegiance to the Anglo-Saxon constitution, while symbolically and morally significant, posed practical challenges within the feudal system of governance.

The decentralized nature of governance during the Anglo-Saxon era made the swift fulfillment of oaths impractical. Swearing loyalty involved providing military support, but due to the vastness of territories and the logistical difficulties of assembling and mobilizing troops, responding promptly to threats or conflicts was often impractical. This delay could leave territories vulnerable during sudden invasions or raids.

Additionally, the feudal system's reliance on personal relationships and obligations had limitations. Loyalty and support were intricately tied to the rapport between the ruler and their vassals. Tensions or mismanagement in these relationships could result in conflicts or the withholding of expected support, disrupting societal order.

Enforcing and ensuring the consistency of these oaths across diverse territories was another challenge. Disputes regarding the interpretation of obligations or the fulfillment of oaths could lead to inefficiencies in governance, creating impracticalities in maintaining a uniform application of these sworn commitments.

While the system provided a framework for societal order, the dependency on personal relationships and the logistical challenges in mobilizing resources posed practical limitations in effectively upholding the oaths and ensuring stability.

The non-pragmatic background of swearing allegiance lies in the impracticalities that stemmed from the vast territories, delayed responses, and the heavy reliance on personal relationships within the feudal system, hindering the smooth execution and enforcement of these oaths of loyalty.





