アジェンダ・セッティング            an "agenda" is a formal schedule.



  1. 「読んではいないが」「ヘイト本」という言葉の組み合わせに驚きを隠せないか
  2. 間違いなくこれは「表現の自由」の問題であるか
  3. ステマ」であると騒いでいるひとがいたか
  4. 英語で読むぶんには構わないというのも、不思議な理屈であるか

―Explain the political science vocabulary term 'agenda setting' and introduce the achievements of a political scientist who has studied its functions in society.


Agenda Setting in Political Science:

Agenda setting refers to the process by which certain issues, topics, or ideas are highlighted and emphasized, while others are downplayed or ignored. In the realm of political science, agenda setting plays a crucial role in shaping public discourse and influencing political decision-making. The concept suggests that the media, political elites, and other influential actors have the power to determine which issues gain prominence and attention within society.

In essence, agenda setting involves the ability to control what subjects are discussed, and consequently, what issues the public perceives as significant. This can occur through various channels, including media coverage, political speeches, policy initiatives, and public discourse. The agenda-setting theory posits that the media, in particular, has the power to not only shape public opinion on specific issues but also to influence the priorities of policymakers.

Political Scientist and Agenda Setting:

One notable political scientist who made significant contributions to the study of agenda setting is Maxwell McCombs. Along with Donald Shaw, McCombs developed the agenda-setting theory in the 1960s through their seminal work on the 1968 presidential election in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Their research focused on the relationship between media coverage and public perception of political issues.

The Chapel Hill study found that the media had a powerful influence in shaping the public agenda by determining which issues were considered important by consistently covering them. McCombs and Shaw's research laid the foundation for subsequent studies on agenda setting, establishing the idea that the media not only tells people what to think about but also what to think about those issues.

Maxwell McCombs' contributions to agenda setting have had a lasting impact on the field of political communication. His work has inspired numerous scholars to explore the role of media and other influential actors in shaping public opinion and political agendas. The agenda-setting theory continues to be a fundamental concept in understanding the dynamics of media, politics, and societal priorities.











Search Results(Authors: MAXWELL E. McCOMBS) | Public Opinion Quarterly | Oxford Academic