


匿名希望 VINEメンバー
★★★★★ 色々誤解されて紹介されているので原著を読みましょう

データ 太郎は大阪育ちである。
結論 太郎はたぶんお好み焼きが好きだ。
発言されない理由 大阪育ちの人はたいていお好み焼きが好きだ。
発言されない裏付け 大阪育ちの人○○○人を対象とする調査で○○%の人がお好み焼きが好きと回答した。




A central theme throughout the impressive series of philosophical books and articles Stephen Toulmin has published since 1948 is the way in which assertions and opinions concerning all sorts of topics, brought up in everyday life or in academic research, can be rationally justified. Is there one universal system of norms, by which all sorts of arguments in all sorts of fields must be judged, or must each sort of argument be judged according to its own norms? In The Uses of Argument (1958) Toulmin sets out his views on these questions for the first time. In spite of initial criticisms from logicians and fellow philosophers, The Uses of Argument has been an enduring source of inspiration and discussion to students of argumentation from all kinds of disciplinary background for more than forty years.

1948年以来、スティーヴン・トゥールミンが出版した印象的な一連の哲学的な書籍や論文に渡っての中心的なテーマは、日常生活や学術研究で提起されるさまざまなトピックに関する主張や意見が、合理的に正当化される方法です。あらゆる分野のあらゆる種類の論議に対して、それは一つの普遍的な規範の体系によって判断されなければならないのか、それとも各論議の種類ごとに独自の規範に基づいて判断されなければならないのか、という問いについてです。トゥールミンは1958年の「The Uses of Argument」で初めてこれらの問いに対する自らの見解を示しています。論理学者や仲間の哲学者からの初期の批判にもかかわらず、「The Uses of Argument」は40年以上にわたり、あらゆる学問的バックグラウンドを持つ論証の学生たちにとって持続的なインスピレーションと議論の源となっています。

—When asserting that cultivated education or educated refinement is necessary for understanding laughter, please provide specific examples within the category of being to illustrate this proposition.


The proposition that cultivated education or educated refinement is necessary for understanding laughter suggests that a certain level of intellectual and cultural awareness enhances one's comprehension of humor. Here are specific examples within the category of being to illustrate this proposition:

  1. Cultural References:

    • Example: A person with cultivated education might better understand and appreciate humor that relies on cultural references, historical events, or literary allusions. For instance, a joke referencing a classical piece of literature or a historical event may be lost on someone without the relevant educational background.
  2. Intellectual Wit:

    • Example: Educated refinement often involves a deeper understanding of language and intellectual concepts. Jokes that involve wordplay, clever puns, or complex reasoning may be better grasped by individuals with a higher level of education. For instance, a play on words or a clever philosophical quip might be more enjoyable for someone with a cultivated intellect.
  3. Satire and Social Commentary:

    • Example: Satirical humor and social commentary often require an understanding of societal issues, politics, or cultural nuances. Individuals with an educated background may be more adept at recognizing and appreciating the subtleties in satire. For example, a satirical commentary on current events might be better understood by someone who is well-informed about those events.
  4. Literary and Artistic Humor:

    • Example: Humor in literature, art, or other forms of creative expression may draw on a deep well of cultural and artistic knowledge. Someone with an educated background may be more likely to appreciate humor that involves references to classic works of literature, art movements, or artistic techniques.
  5. Nuanced Social Interactions:

    • Example: Understanding the subtleties of social dynamics and etiquette can play a significant role in interpersonal humor. Individuals with refined education might be better equipped to navigate and appreciate humor in social situations, such as witty banter or sophisticated repartee.

It's important to note that while education and refinement can certainly enhance one's ability to understand certain types of humor, humor is subjective, and people from various educational backgrounds can find enjoyment in a wide range of comedic styles. Additionally, cultural sensitivity and inclusivity are crucial considerations in humor, and it's essential not to equate education solely with a person's capacity for humor appreciation.


  1. 文化的な言及:

    • 例: 栽培された教育を受けた人は、文化的な言及、歴史的な出来事、または文学的な引用に頼るユーモアをより理解し、楽しむかもしれません。たとえば、古典的な文学作品や歴史的な出来事に言及したジョークは、関連する教育的背景がない人には理解されないかもしれません。
  2. 知的なウィット:

    • 例: 教養を身につけたことは、言語や知的な概念に深い理解を伴います。言葉遊び、巧妙な駄洒落、または複雑な論理を含むジョークは、より高い教育水準を持つ個人により理解されるかもしれません。たとえば、言葉の駄洒落や巧妙な哲学的な皮肉は、教養豊かな知性を持つ人にとってより楽しいかもしれません。
  3. 風刺と社会的なコメント:

    • 例: 風刺的なユーモアや社会的なコメントは、しばしば社会問題、政治、または文化の微妙なニュアンスを理解する必要があります。教育的な背景を持つ人は、風刺の微妙さを認識し、楽しむことができるかもしれません。たとえば、現在の出来事に対する風刺的なコメントは、それらの出来事に詳しい人により理解されるかもしれません。
  4. 文学的および芸術的なユーモア:

    • 例: 文学、芸術、または他の創造的な表現の中のユーモアは、文化的で芸術的な知識の深い源を引用することがあります。教養を身につけた人は、古典的な文学作品、芸術運動、または芸術的な技法に言及するユーモアをより楽しむことができるかもしれません。
  5. 微妙な社会的な相互作用:

    • 例: 社会的なダイナミクスやエチケットの微妙なニュアンスを理解することは、対人のユーモアにおいて重要な役割を果たすかもしれません。教育を受けた人は、社交の場での機知あるやりとりや洗練された応酬をナビゲートし、楽しむのに適しているかもしれません。



—In the above case, does 'necessary' indicate normativity, or does it describe structurality?


In the given proposition, the term "necessary" suggests normativity rather than structurality. When it is stated that cultivated education or educated refinement is "necessary for understanding laughter," it implies a normative claim that having a certain level of education or refinement is considered essential or crucial for achieving a better understanding of humor. The use of "necessary" in this context emphasizes the idea that possessing cultivated education is a requirement or prerequisite for the stated purpose, rather than describing a structural aspect inherent to the nature of understanding laughter itself.



—What means and contains 'normativity'?


"Normativity" refers to the imposition or expression of norms, standards, or values within a particular context. It involves the idea that certain norms or standards prescribe how things should be or how people should behave in a given situation. Normativity is often associated with ethics, morality, and societal expectations. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  1. Imposition of Norms: Normativity implies a sense of imposition or assertion of norms. These norms can be cultural, ethical, moral, or social standards that influence behavior, decisions, or judgments.

  2. Prescriptive Nature: Normativity is prescriptive, meaning it prescribes or dictates what is considered appropriate or acceptable within a specific framework. It establishes guidelines for how individuals or groups ought to act.

  3. Values and Standards: The concept is closely tied to values and standards prevalent in a society or a given community. Normativity reflects what is valued or considered virtuous within a particular cultural or social context.

  4. Context Dependence: Normativity is context-dependent, as what is considered normative can vary across different cultures, social groups, or situations. What is considered normal or expected in one context may differ in another.

In the context of the provided text, the use of "necessary" suggests normativity because it indicates that having a certain level of education or refinement is considered essential or normative for understanding laughter. It implies a standard or expectation within the context of humor appreciation.


  1. 規範の押し付け: 規範性は、規範の押し付けや主張の感覚を含意します。これらの規範は文化的、倫理的、道徳的、または社会的な標準であり、行動、意思決定、または判断に影響を与えます。

  2. 指示的な性質: 規範性は指示的であり、特定の枠組み内で何が適切または許容されるかを指定します。個人やグループがどのように行動すべきかについてのガイドラインを確立します。

  3. 価値と基準: この概念は、社会や特定のコミュニティで広く共有されている価値観や基準に密接に関連しています。規範性は、特定の文化的または社会的な文脈内で重要視されたり、美徳と見なされたりするものを反映します。

  4. 文脈依存性: 規範性は文脈に依存しており、文化、社会的グループ、または状況によって規範と見なされるものが異なることがあります。ある文脈で正常または予想されるとされることは、別の文脈では異なるかもしれません。



—What means and contains 'structurality'?


"Structurality" refers to the quality or state of having a structure, and it often implies the existence of an organized framework or arrangement. The term is derived from "structure," which generally refers to the way parts are organized and interrelated within a whole. Here are key aspects associated with structurality:

  1. Organization: Structurality involves the idea of organization or arrangement. It suggests that elements or components are ordered in a systematic way, forming a discernible structure.

  2. Framework: The concept often implies the presence of a framework or a set of principles that govern the arrangement of elements. This framework provides a structure with rules or guidelines.

  3. Interrelation: Structurality indicates that there are connections and relationships among the various parts within the overall structure. The arrangement of elements is not arbitrary but is designed to create meaning or functionality through these interconnections.

  4. Coherence: A structurality suggests coherence and cohesion within the system. The parts fit together in a meaningful or purposeful manner, contributing to the overall stability and integrity of the structure.

In the context of the original text you provided, the term "structurality" was used to contrast with "normativity." While "normativity" refers to the imposition of norms, standards, or values, "structurality" would imply the inherent organization or arrangement within a system, rather than the imposition of specific norms. The use of "necessary" in the context of education and refinement suggests a normative claim, indicating a societal expectation or standard, rather than an inherent structural aspect related to understanding laughter.


  1. 組織: 構造性は組織や配置の概念を含みます。要素や構成要素が系統的な方法で配置され、識別可能な構造を形成しているというアイディアがあります。

  2. フレームワーク: この概念は、要素の配置を規定するフレームワークや原則の存在を示唆することがよくあります。このフレームワークは、構造にルールやガイドラインを提供します。

  3. 相互関連: 構造性は、全体の構造内のさまざまな部分の間に接続と関係があることを示しています。要素の配置は恣意的ではなく、これらの相互接続を通じて意味や機能を創造するために設計されています。

  4. 一貫性: 構造性は、システム内での一貫性と結束を示唆します。部分は有意義または目的のある方法で組み合わさり、構造全体の安定性と統合性に寄与します。



—Please provide specific examples illustrating the argument form in formal logic in the normative text.


The argument form in formal logic typically involves premises and a conclusion, expressed through statements and logical operators. In the normative text provided, which discusses the normativity associated with the term "necessary" in the context of understanding laughter, we can analyze the argument form. Here's a breakdown:

Premise 1: Normativity Implied by "Necessary"

  • Statement: The use of "necessary" implies a normative claim.
  • Explanation: The term "necessary" suggests that having a certain level of education or refinement is considered essential for understanding laughter.

Premise 2: Educational Requirement for Understanding Laughter

  • Statement: Cultivated education is necessary for understanding laughter.
  • Explanation: The text asserts that a certain level of education or refinement is required to comprehend humor.

Conclusion: Normative Claim about Education and Humor

  • Statement: Normativity is associated with the idea that education is crucial for understanding laughter.
  • Explanation: The overall argument concludes that societal expectations or standards (normativity) link the necessity of education to the understanding of humor.

In formal logic terms, we can represent the argument as follows:

  1. Premise 1: Necessity implies normativity.

  2. Premise 2: Cultivated education is necessary for understanding laughter.

  3. Conclusion: Normativity is associated with the idea that education is crucial for understanding laughter.

    • ()

Here, represents necessity, represents normativity, represents having a certain level of education or refinement, and represents the ability to understand laughter. The argument form uses logical implication to connect these statements and draw a conclusion about the normative claim regarding education and humor.


前提1: "Necessary" によって示唆される規範性

  • 文: "necessary"の使用は規範的な主張を意味します。
  • 説明: "necessary"という用語は、笑いを理解するためには一定の教育や洗練が不可欠であると見なされるという規範的な主張を示唆しています。

前提2: 笑いの理解に必要な教育

  • 文: 栽培された教育は笑いを理解するために必要です。
  • 説明: テキストは、ユーモアを理解するためには一定の教育や洗練が必要であると主張しています。

結論: 教育とユーモアに関する規範的な主張

  • 文: 規範性は教育が笑いを理解するために重要であるというアイディアと結びついています。
  • 説明: 全体の論証は、社会的な期待や標準(規範性)が教育の必要性を笑いの理解に結びつけていると結論づけています。


  1. 前提1: 必要性は規範性を意味する。

  2. 前提2: 笑いを理解するには栽培された教育が必要である。

  3. 結論: 規範性は教育が笑いを理解するために重要であるというアイディアと結びついています。

    • ()



—What is required for this formal argument to be valid and sound?


For the formal argument to be valid and sound, certain conditions must be met. Let's define the terms:

  1. Validity: An argument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. In other words, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Validity is a structural property of arguments.

  2. Soundness: An argument is sound if it is valid, and all of its premises are true. Soundness combines logical validity with true premises, ensuring both a structurally sound reasoning process and accurate factual information.

To evaluate the validity and soundness of the provided formal argument, we need to examine each part:

Validity Analysis:

  • The argument uses logical implication (), and the conclusion is derived logically from the premises. The structure appears valid.

Soundness Analysis:

  • Premise 1: (Necessity implies normativity).

    • Truth: This premise is generally acceptable, as there is a logical connection between necessity and normativity.
  • Premise 2: (Cultivated education is necessary for understanding laughter).

    • Truth: This premise is based on the content of the normative text. However, its truth may be subjective and context-dependent.
  • Conclusion: () (Normativity is associated with the idea that education is crucial for understanding laughter).

    • Truth: This conclusion is contingent on the truth of the premises. If both premises are true, the conclusion is likely to be true.

Conditions for Soundness:

  • Premise 2 relies on a normative claim about education being necessary for understanding laughter. The truth of this claim is subjective and context-dependent, making the overall soundness of the argument contingent on societal or cultural perspectives regarding education and humor.

In summary, the argument appears to be structurally valid, but its soundness is contingent on the acceptance of the normative claim in Premise 2. Soundness might vary based on individual perspectives and cultural contexts.


  1. 妥当性(Validity): 論証が妥当であるとは、結論が前提から論理的に導かれる場合を指します。つまり、前提が真であれば、結論も真でなければなりません。妥当性は論証の構造的な特性です。

  2. 健全性(Soundness): 論証が妥当であり、かつその全ての前提が真である場合、論証は健全です。健全性は論理的な妥当性と真実な前提を組み合わせ、構造的に健全な推論プロセスと正確な事実情報を保証します。



  • 論証は論理的含意()を使用し、結論は前提から論理的に導かれています。構造的には妥当であるようです。


  • 前提1: (必要性は規範性を意味する)。

    • 真実性: この前提は一般的に受け入れられるものであり、必要性と規範性の間には論理的なつながりがあります。
  • 前提2: (栽培された教育は笑いを理解するために必要)。

    • 真実性: この前提は規範的なテキストの内容に基づいていますが、その真実性は主観的で文脈依存的かもしれません。
  • 結論: ()(規範性は教育が笑いを理解するために重要であるというアイディアに結びついています)。

    • 真実性: この結論は前提の真実性に依存しており、両方の前提が真であれば、結論も真である可能性があります。


  • 前提2は教育が笑いを理解するために必要であるという規範的な主張に依存しています。この主張の真実性は主観的で文脈依存的であり、全体的な健全性は教育とユーモアに関する社会的または文化的な視点に依存しています。



—The argument appears to be structurally valid, but its soundness is contingent on the acceptance of the normative claim in Premise 2. Please provide examples of cases where it is accepted and cases where it is not accepted, as soundness might vary based on individual perspectives and cultural contexts.
Please provide examples of cases where it is accepted and cases where it is not accepted.


Certainly, the acceptance of the normative claim in Premise 2—that cultivated education is necessary for understanding laughter—can vary based on individual perspectives and cultural contexts. Here are examples of cases where the claim might be accepted and cases where it might not be accepted:

Cases where the normative claim might be accepted:

  1. Formal Education Emphasis:

    • Scenario: In a society that highly values formal education and intellectual refinement, individuals may widely accept the normative claim. Those with extensive formal education might find the claim resonating with their experiences.
  2. Cultural Tradition:

    • Scenario: In cultures where humor is deeply intertwined with historical and literary knowledge, people may accept the claim. For instance, if a society places a strong emphasis on understanding traditional comedic forms, cultivated education may be seen as crucial.
  3. Professional Settings:

    • Scenario: In certain professional settings that require nuanced understanding of communication, such as comedy writing or artistic expression, individuals may acknowledge the importance of cultivated education in enhancing their ability to comprehend and create humor.

Cases where the normative claim might not be accepted:

  1. Alternative Learning Paths:

    • Scenario: In cultures or communities that value alternative forms of learning, such as experiential knowledge or practical skills, the normative claim might not be universally accepted. Individuals may argue that humor comprehension can be achieved through various educational paths.
  2. Cultural Diversity:

    • Scenario: In culturally diverse environments, where humor is expressed in multifaceted ways and draws from a variety of cultural backgrounds, the claim may face skepticism. People from different cultural contexts may argue that diverse forms of humor do not necessarily require a specific type of education.
  3. Personal Experiences:

    • Scenario: Individuals with a strong ability to appreciate and create humor without extensive formal education may reject the claim. Personal anecdotes of people who developed a deep understanding of humor through life experiences rather than formal education can challenge the normative assertion.

In essence, the acceptance or rejection of the normative claim depends on the values, beliefs, and educational philosophies prevalent in a given society or community. Cultural diversity, individual learning paths, and the varied nature of humor contribute to the nuanced perspectives on the role of education in understanding laughter.



  1. フォーマルな教育の強調:

    • シナリオ: 正式な教育と知的な洗練を高く評価する社会では、個々の人が規範的な主張を広く受け入れる可能性があります。正規の教育を受けた人々は、その主張が自らの経験に共鳴すると感じるかもしれません。
  2. 文化の伝統:

    • シナリオ: ユーモアが歴史的で文学的な知識と深く結びついている文化では、人々はその主張を受け入れるかもしれません。たとえば、伝統的なコミカルな形式を理解することに重点を置く社会では、洗練された教育が不可欠と見なされるでしょう。
  3. プロフェッショナルな環境:

    • シナリオ: コメディの執筆や芸術的表現など、コミュニケーションの微妙な理解が求められる特定の職場では、個々の人が洗練された教育がユーモアを理解し、作り出す能力を向上させる重要性を認識するかもしれません。


  1. 代替的な学び方:

    • シナリオ: 経験的な知識や実践的なスキルなど、異なる学びの形態を重視する文化やコミュニティでは、規範的な主張が普遍的に受け入れられない可能性があります。個々の人は、ユーモアの理解はさまざまな教育の途を通じて達成できると主張するかもしれません。
  2. 文化の多様性:

    • シナリオ: ユーモアが多様な文化的背景から派生し、多面的な形で表現される文化的に多様な環境では、その主張には懐疑の目が向けられるかもしれません。異なる文化的背景の人々は、多様な形のユーモアが特定のタイプの教育を必要としないと主張するかもしれません。
  3. 個人の経験:

    • シナリオ: 正式な教育を受けていなくてもユーモアを理解し、作り出す能力が高い個々の人は、その主張を拒否する可能性があります。形式的な教育ではなく生活の経験からユーモアを深く理解した人々の個人的な体験は、規範的な主張に異議を唱えることがあります。



—Please tell me about prominent logicians or mathematicians who have studied the argument forms in normative texts, and introduce one of their representative works.


While there may not be a specific group of logicians or mathematicians who have exclusively focused on studying argument forms in normative texts, there are scholars in logic, philosophy, and mathematics who have made significant contributions to the understanding of argumentation and reasoning. One notable figure is Stephen Toulmin, a British philosopher and educator.

Stephen Toulmin:

  • Contribution to Argumentation: Stephen Toulmin is known for his work on the analysis of arguments and the development of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation. His approach emphasizes the importance of practical reasoning and considers the structure of arguments in real-life contexts. Toulmin's work is relevant to normative texts as it addresses how arguments are constructed, justified, and evaluated.

  • Representative Work: Toulmin's influential work, "The Uses of Argument," published in 1958, outlines the Toulmin Model. In this book, he introduces a method for analyzing arguments that includes components such as claims, data, warrants, qualifiers, rebuttals, and backing. The model provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in constructing and assessing arguments, making it applicable to normative reasoning as well.

While Toulmin's work is not exclusively focused on normative texts, his contributions to the analysis of argument forms have broader applications, including the examination of normative claims and reasoning in various contexts.

It's important to note that the study of normative texts often falls within the domain of philosophy, ethics, and related fields, and scholars in these areas may draw on principles of logic and argumentation in their analyses. The exploration of normativity in language and discourse often involves interdisciplinary approaches that encompass philosophy, linguistics, and logic.



  • 論証への貢献:ティーヴン・トゥールミンは、論証の分析とトゥールミン・モデルの開発で知られています。彼のアプローチは実践的な推論の重要性を強調し、現実の文脈での論証の構造を考慮しています。トゥールミンの仕事は規範的なテキストに関連しており、論証がどのように構築され、正当化され、評価されるかに焦点を当てています。

  • 代表作: トゥールミンの影響力ある著作である「The Uses of Argument(論証の用途)」は、1958年に発表され、トゥールミン・モデルを概説しています。この著作では、クレーム、データ、ワラント、クオリファイア、リバトル、バッキングなどの要素を含む論証の分析方法が紹介されています。このモデルは、論証の構築と評価に関わる複雑な要素を微妙に理解する手法を提供し、規範的な推論にも適用可能です。

