


A meeting that was called to organize an Anti-Slavery society in New York City was broken up by a mob. All of those in attendance made their escape except one negro. He was caught and his captors thought it would be a capital joke to make him personify one of the big Abolitionists. He was lifted to the platform and directed to imagine himself an Anti-Slavery leader and make an Abolition speech. The fellow proved to be equal to the occasion. He proceeded to assert the right of his race to the privileges of human beings with force and eloquence. His hearers listened with amazement, and possibly with something like admiration, until, realizing that the joke was on them, they pulled him from the platform and kicked him from the building.

John F. Hume, The abolitionists together with personal memories of the struggle for human rights, Chapter 11: Anti-slavery orators



—a capital joke means ?

In the context provided, "a capital joke" means a very good or clever joke, one that is considered amusing or well-executed. It suggests that the people who wanted to make the captured individual impersonate an abolitionist thought it would be a humorous and successful prank. "Capital" in this sense is used as an adjective to describe the quality or effectiveness of the joke.

提供された文脈において、「a capital joke」は非常に優れたまたは巧妙なジョークを意味し、面白くまたは成功したいたずらと考えられています。捕まえた個人を奴隷制度廃止運動家のふりをさせようとした人々は、それが面白く、成功したいたずらであると考えました。この文脈において、「capital」はジョークの品質や効果を表す形容詞として使われています。

—why use "capital"? Author emphasize the point about what?

The use of "capital" in the phrase "a capital joke" is a somewhat older or formal expression that was more common in the past, especially in the 19th century. In this context, it emphasizes the idea that the joke was not just good or amusing, but that it was particularly well-executed and clever.

The author uses "a capital joke" to highlight the following points about the incident:

  1. The quality of the joke: By describing it as "a capital joke," the author emphasizes that the prank was not just an ordinary or mediocre one. Instead, it was exceptionally well-crafted and executed, which adds to the irony and impact of the situation.

  2. The intention of the people involved: The use of this phrase suggests that the people who orchestrated the prank were not only trying to mock the captured individual but were doing so with a high degree of cleverness and cunning. It underscores the thought and effort they put into the prank.

  3. The unexpected turn of events: By describing the joke as "capital," the author sets up the reader's expectation that something remarkable or surprising will happen. In this case, the unexpected turn of events is that the captured individual, who was supposed to be the target of the joke, turned the situation around by delivering an eloquent speech in favor of abolition. This unexpected twist in the story adds to the irony and humor of the situation.

In summary, the use of "a capital joke" serves to underscore the quality and unexpected nature of the prank while setting up the reader for the surprising outcome that follows.

「capital joke」というフレーズの使用は、やや古風でまたは格式のある表現で、特に19世紀により一般的でした。この文脈では、ジョークが良いだけでなく、特に優れたものであることを強調しています。


  1. ジョークの品質:「a capital joke」と表現することで、いたずらが普通または平凡ではなく、特に優れていて巧妙にできたものであることが強調されています。これは状況の皮肉や影響を高めます。

  2. 関与する人々の意図:このフレーズの使用は、いたずらを構築する人々が、捉えた個人を単なる揶揄の対象にするだけでなく、高い度の賢さと巧妙さでそうしていることを示唆しています。それはいたずらに対して考えと努力を重ねたことを強調します。

  3. 予想外な出来事:「a capital joke」という表現を使うことで、ジョークが何か注目に値する、または驚くべきことが起こることを読者に期待させます。この場合、物語の予想外な展開は、捕まえた個人が、奴隷制度廃止の賛同を訴える雄弁なスピーチを行うことで状況が逆転したということです。この予想外の転機が、状況の皮肉やユーモアを増幅させます。

要約すると、「a capital joke」というフレーズの使用は、いたずらの品質と予想外の性質を強調し、読者を続く驚きの結末に向けて導入しています。

—So capital means what

In the phrase "a capital joke," "capital" means excellent, outstanding, or first-rate. It is used to describe something of very high quality or effectiveness. Essentially, it is a way of saying that the joke was not just good but exceptional or top-notch.

「capital」のフレーズ「a capital joke」では、「capital」は優れた、優秀な、または一級品を意味します。これは非常に高い品質や効果を表すために使用されます。要するに、このフレーズは、そのジョークが単なる良いだけでなく、優れたまたは最高クラスのものであることを示す方法です。

—outcome of the prank is ?

The outcome of the prank is the unexpected and ironic turn of events where the captured individual, who was meant to be the target of the joke, delivers an eloquent speech in favor of abolition, surprising and confounding those who organized the prank.


—Claudia Dale Goldin define greedy work.

I don't have information on Claudia Dale Goldin defining "greedy work" in my existing knowledge base. It's possible that she has used the term in a specific academic or professional context, but I do not have access to her specific works or publications beyond what was available in publicly accessible sources up to September 2021.

If you're looking for a definition of "greedy work" or more information related to Claudia Dale Goldin's use of the term, you might need to refer to her published works or seek out academic sources where she has discussed the concept.

—greedy is in Bible?

The term "greedy" is mentioned in the Bible, particularly in various translations of the text. It often appears in the context of admonitions against greed or covetousness. For example, in the New Testament, the word "greedy" or similar words may be used in passages like Ephesians 5:5 (English Standard Version):

"For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God."

In this passage, "covetous" is related to the idea of being greedy or desiring things excessively. Similar concepts are present in other parts of the Bible, and the term "greedy" is used to convey the idea of an excessive desire for wealth or material possessions. The specific usage may vary depending on the translation of the Bible.




クラウディア・ゴールディン - Wikipedia



Differences also arise in friendships where there is disparity between the parties. Each claims to get more than the other, and this inevitably leads to a rupture. If one is a better man than the other, he thinks he has a right to more, for goodness deserves the larger share. And similarly when one is more useful than the other: if a man is of no use, they say, he ought not to have an equal share, for it becomes a charity and not a friendship at all, if what one gets out of it is not enough to repay one's trouble. For men think that it ought to be in a friendship as it is in a business partnership, where those who contribute more  capital take more of the profits. On the other hand the needy or inferior person takes the opposite view: he maintains that it is the part of a good friend to assist those in need; what is the use (he argues) of being friends with the good and great if one is to get nothing out of it?

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book 8, chapter 14

友情においても、当事者間に格差がある場合、違いが生じます。各々は相手よりも多くのものを得ようと主張し、これは避けられなずれ。片方が他方よりも優れている場合、彼はより多くを持つ権利があると考え、善良さはより大きな分け前を受けるに値するとみなします。同様に、一方が他方よりも役に立つ場合も同様です。もし人が何の役にも立たないなら、それは等しい分け前を持つべきでない、と彼らは言います。なぜなら、何かを得ることが、自身の手間に見合うだけの価値があるのでない限り、それは慈善行為であり、友情ではなくなってしまうからです。人々は友情においても、ビジネスパートナーシップと同様に、 資本をより多く提供する者が利益をより多く受けるべきだと考えます。一方、貧しいか劣っている人は反対の立場を取ります。彼は、必要な人を助けることが良い友達の役割であると主張します。彼は言います、善良で偉大な人々と友達になっても何も得られないのであれば、それに何の意味があるのか、と。

Thales, so the story goes, because of his poverty was taunted with the uselessness of philosophy; but from his knowledge of astronomy he had observed while it was still winter that there was going to be a large crop of olives, so he raised a small sum of money and paid round deposits for the whole of the olive-presses in Miletus and Chios, which he hired at a low rent as nobody was running him up; and when the season arrived, there was a sudden demand for a number of presses at the same time, and by letting them out on what terms he liked he realized a large sum of money, so proving that it is easy for philosophers to be rich if they choose, but this is not what they care about. Thales then is reported to have thus displayed his wisdom, but as [20] a matter of fact this device of taking an opportunity to secure a monopoly is a universal principle of business; hence even some states have recourse to this plan as a method of raising revenue when short of funds: they introduce a monopoly of marketable goods. There was a man in Sicily who used a sum of money deposited with him to buy up all the iron from the iron mines, and afterwards when the dealers came from the trading-centers he was the only seller, though he did not greatly raise the price, but all the same he made a profit of a hundred talents4 on his  capital of fifty.

Aristotle, Politics, Book 1, section 1259a






これほど、明瞭に、エーテル論を否定した説明をしらない。まさに「力」の信奉者である。これほど ドイツ人離れ 、、、、、、 した、イギリス人寄り 、、、、、、、 のドイツ人を私はほかに知らない。











—Aristotle said who is a philosophist? Everyone become who hopes?※

It appears that the provided text is a bit unclear and might contain some inaccuracies or incomplete sentences. I'll try to interpret and provide a response to the statements:

  1. "Aristotle said who is a philosophist?" - It's not a direct quote from Aristotle. Aristotle was a philosopher, and he wrote extensively on the subject of philosophy. He discussed the nature of philosophy, the pursuit of knowledge, and the characteristics of a philosopher, but there is no direct quote that asks, "who is a philosophist?"

  2. "Everyone become who hopes?" - This phrase also seems incomplete and may not accurately reflect Aristotle's ideas. Aristotle did emphasize the importance of personal growth, virtue, and moral development in his philosophical works. He believed that individuals could strive to become better and more virtuous, but the specific phrase "everyone become who hopes" doesn't directly represent his teachings.

If you have a more specific question about Aristotle's philosophy or a particular aspect of his work, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide a relevant response.


  1. "Aristotle said who is a philosophist?" - これはアリストテレスの直接の引用ではありません。アリストテレスは哲学者であり、哲学の主題について広範に執筆しました。彼は哲学の本質、知識の追求、哲学者の特質について議論しましたが、「who is a philosophist(哲学者は誰か)」と尋ねる直接の引用はありません。
  2. "Everyone become who hopes?" - このフレーズも不完全で、アリストテレスの考えを正確に反映していない可能性があります。アリストテレスは哲学の中で、個人の成長、美徳、道徳的な発展の重要性を強調しました。彼は個人がより良く、より美徳的になるよう努力できると信じていましたが、「everyone become who hopes(希望する者は誰でもなる)」という具体的なフレーズは、彼の教えを直接表現していない可能性があります。



The sentence "Everyone become who hopes?" is not grammatically correct in standard English. A more grammatically correct way to express a similar idea would be:

"Everyone becomes who they hope to be."

In this corrected version, the subject "everyone" is followed by the verb "becomes," and the sentence ends with the pronoun "they" to indicate the person individuals hope to become. This construction makes the sentence grammatically sound and clearer in its meaning.



derogatory An adherent or practitioner of what is held to be erroneous speculation or philosophy; especially an adherent of any rationalist or sceptical philosophical system.
