One who loves the truth and you,and will tell the truth in spite of you.-Anonymous                    武者小路実篤11



She that was ever fair and never proud,
Had tongue at will and yet was never loud,150
Never lack'd gold and yet went never gay,
Fled from her wish and yet said 'Now I may,'
She that being anger'd, her revenge being nigh,
Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly,
She that in wisdom never was so frail155
To change the cod's head for the salmon's tail;
She that could think and ne'er disclose her mind,
See suitors following and not look behind,
She was a wight, if ever such wight were,--


tongue at will 「思うとおりに物が言える」前行の that につづく。
went never gay 「華美な服装をしない」/ "gay"= finely dressed
Fled from her wish and yet said 'Now I may,' 「欲望を避けながら「喜んでします」という」/ i.e. modestly refrained from what she wanted, and yet knew when she might have it
Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly 「怨みを忍んで怒りを棄てた」/ i.e. did not seek to right her wrong and commanded her anger to cease.
frail weak, morally weak, unable to resist temptation
To change the cod's head for the salmon's tail [As ] To change the cod's head for the salmon's tail= (as) to give up the best part of a homely thing for the worst part of something very fine. "change"= exchange.
and ne'er disclose = without ever disclosing.
could think and ne'er disclose her mind Cf. AYL 3.2.249, 'Do you know I am a woman? when I think, I must speak
wight creature, person.

149-159,Othello Act 2 Scene 1 対訳『オセロ』第二幕 第一場


『ニコマコス倫理学』読書メモ - 道徳的動物日記




What wouldst thou write of me, if thou shouldst praise me?


You shall not write my praise 「なにもあなたにほめてもらいません」ペトラルカ流に恋人をたたえる詩を書くこと。
shouldst = were to.



Well praised! How if she be black and witty?


black dark-haired. Traditionally, Desdemona is fair-haired, ERmilia is dark.
witty= wise.



The one's for use, the other useth it.


for use 「(美しさは)用いられるため」


The kinds of friendship may perhaps be cleared up if we first come to know the object of love. For not everything seems to be loved but only the lovable, and this is good, pleasant, or useful

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle


Evidently here also there is both an excess and a deficiency as compared with the mean. Those who carry humour to excess are thought to be vulgar buffoons, striving after humour at all costs, and aiming rather at raising a laugh than at saying what is becoming and at avoiding pain to the object of their fun; while those who can neither make a joke themselves nor put up with those who do are thought to be boorish and unpolished.





そして、物語を動かす tiant は何だろう?

Hell and night Must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light.

地獄と夜の協力がなきゃ、 こんな見事な奇形児は生まれないだろう。

this monstrous birth 「この奇形児」/ "birth" that which is borne in the womb.

Othello Act 1 Scene 3 対訳『オセロ』第一幕 第三場


イアーゴーの言葉が不気味である。この第一幕の終わりが、次の第二幕を導くからである。すなわち、(200-205の間の)tuneして(調子を合わせて)、(305-310の間の)even(相子)にしないとイアーゴーの気が収まらない。これは和訳の語呂合わせばかりではなく(139の)"even her folly"とheir(跡取り)を産む話に呼応する。evenは鍵となる語であるようだ。


Let her have your voices.
Vouch with me, heaven,
no, when light-wing'd toys

Of feather'd Cupid seal with wanton dullness
My speculative and officed instruments,
That my disports corrupt and taint my business,


Vouch with me= bear witness to me.
corrupt and taint
共に 'impair' という言葉。'impair' (価値を)減じる、悪くする、損なう。
light-wing'd toys Of feather'd Cupid 「翼の生えたキューピッドの浮ついた戯れ(恋の戯れ)」"light-wing'd toys"= frivoulous fancies. 不真面目な気まぐれ、浮ついた戯れ。
seal with wanton dullness My speculative and officed instruments 「わたしの見る役目の器官(眼)を淫りがましい鈍さでめくらにする」"seel" は falconry の言葉で鷹の眼を細い糸で縫い付けること。"speculative"= seeing. "offemnced"= having a particular function. "instrument"= organ of the body.

Othello Act 1 Scene 3 対訳『オセロ』第一幕 第三場

Lechery, by this hand; an index and obscure prologue to the history of lust and foul thoughts.
do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking too loud, or
tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favourably minister.

by this hand 「この手に誓って」「確かに」
ing his discipline
 「Cassio の腕前をけなす」"taint"= disparage. "discipline"= military experience.

the time= the present state of affairs.
minister= supply, furnish.

Othello Act 2 Scene 1 対訳『オセロ』第二幕 第一場

by this light of heaven,
But never
taint my love. I cannot say 'whore:'


by this light of heaven 誓いの文句。

Othello Act 4 Scene 2 対訳『オセロ』第四幕 第二場


That the bruised heart was pierced through the ear.


pierced through the ear 「耳から(聞いた言葉で)慰められた」"pierced"= penetrated with a smoothing power. しかし、ここは "piece" とした text も多い。

Othello Act 1 Scene 3 対訳『オセロ』第一幕 第三場

興味深いのは、やはり、イアーゴ―で、" by this hand"はギルド(乃至商人)を思い出させるし、"discipline"は、military experienceのことであるらしいが、これは「腕前」と訳されており、それならば、オセロ>キャシオ>イアーゴ―との比較を連想させないとも言えない。

エロースはこの矢で人や神々を撃って遊んでいた。ある時、アポローンにそれを嘲られ、復讐としてアポローンを金の矢で、たまたまアポローンの前に居たダプネーを鉛の矢で撃った。アポローンはダプネーへの恋慕のため、彼女を追い回すようになったが、ダプネーはこれを嫌って逃れた。しかし、いよいよアポローンに追いつめられて逃げ場がなくなったとき、彼女は父に頼んでその身を月桂樹に変えた(ダプネー daphne とはギリシア語で、月桂樹という意味の普通名詞である)。このエピソードが示す寓意は、強い理性に凝り固まった者は恋愛と言う物を蔑みがちだが、自らの激しい恋慕の前にはその理性も瓦解すると言う事である。

エロース - Wikipedia

※実はこれも興味深いことがあって、アリストテレスは、『ニコマコス倫理学』で、『トロイアの輪廻』のプリアムの話(told of Pariam in the Trojan Cycle)を用いて、fortunes,happy,experience,chance そしてgood の抜き差しならない関係を語りつくす。

ポダルケース - Wikipedia



シェイクスピアの『オセロー』においては、劇中 に二箇所、“taint”という語が使用されている

彼と彼女の大事なもの : 『オセロー』における"taint"と含む台詞についての小論考
松浦 雄二

オセローが、精神的・抽象的な価値を持ったも のと共起することが多い‘taint’を‘business’と共に使 うということは、‘business’がオセローにとっては、 どのような意味を持つかということを示すもので ある。



(42語) ラテン語L.tangere「触れる、さわる」が語源です。

347 tact, tain, tang「触れる、さわる」(L.tangere) - 語源の広場


ting-, tinct- : L.tingere = to color(染める)

taint - 語源から学ぶ英単語 ~ 英・語・源 ~


Temperance and self-indulgence, however, are concerned with the kind of pleasures that the other animals share in, which therefore appear slavish and brutish; these are touch and taste.



Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

self-indulgence (放縦)and temperance(節制)の対比において、アリストテレスは続ける。以下、アリストテレスの『二コマコス倫理学』を同様に(リンク先にしたがって)眺めてみる。

Now of the things that produce pleasure some are necessary, while others are worthy of choice in themselves but admit of excess, the bodily causes of pleasure being necessary (by such I mean both those concerned with food and those concerned with sexual intercourse, i.e. the bodily matters with which we defined self-indulgence and temperance as being concerned), while the others are not necessary but worthy of choice in themselves (e.g. victory, honour, wealth, and good and pleasant things of this sort).


This being so, (a) those who go to excess with reference to the latter, contrary to the right rule which is in themselves, are not called incontinent simply, but incontinent with the qualification 'in respect of money, gain, honour, or anger',-not simply incontinent, on the ground that they are different from incontinent people and are called incontinent by reason of a resemblance. (Compare the case of Anthropos (Man), who won a contest at the Olympic games; in his case the general definition of man differed little from the definition peculiar to him, but yet it was different.) This is shown by the fact that incontinence either without qualification or in respect of some particular bodily pleasure is blamed not only as a fault but as a kind of vice, while none of the people who are incontinent in these other respects is so blamed.


But (b) of the people who are incontinent with respect to bodily enjoyments, with which we say the temperate and the self-indulgent man are concerned, he who pursues the excesses of things pleasant-and shuns those of things painful, of hunger and thirst and heat and cold and all the objects of touch and taste-not by choice but contrary to his choice and his judgement, is called incontinent, not with the qualification 'in respect of this or that', e.g. of anger, but just simply.




そうである以上、(a)後者に関して、自分自身の中にある正しい規則に反して過剰になる者は、単に失禁者とは呼ばず、「金銭、利益、名誉、怒りに関して」という修飾を付けて失禁者と呼ばれる--失禁者とは異なるから、似ていることを理由に失禁者と呼ばれるのではない (オリンピック大会で優勝したアントロポス(人間)の場合を比較しなさい。彼の場合、人間の一般的な定義は彼特有の定義とほとんど変わらないが、それでも異なっている)。このことは、無条件に、あるいはある特定の身体的快楽に関して失禁することは、欠点としてだけでなく一種の悪徳として非難されるが、これらの他の点で失禁する人々は誰もそのように非難されないという事実によって示されている。


しかし、(b) 肉体の楽しみに関して不節制な人々のうち、私たちが節制家と放縦家と呼んでいる人々は、快いものの過剰を追求し、苦しいもの、飢えや渇きや暑さや寒さやあらゆる触覚や味覚の対象を、自分の選択や判断に反して敬遠する者を、例えば怒りなどの「これかそれに関して」の資格とともにではなく、ただ単に不節制と呼ぶのである。無料版)で翻訳しました。


Now since activities differ in respect of goodness and badness, and some are worthy to be chosen, others to be avoided, and others neutral, so, too, are the pleasures; for to each activity there is a proper pleasure. The pleasure proper to a worthy activity is good and that proper to an unworthy activity bad; just as the appetites for noble objects are laudable, those for base objects culpable. But the pleasures involved in activities are more proper to them than the desires; for the latter are separated both in time and in nature, while the former are close to the activities, and so hard to distinguish from them that it admits of dispute whether the activity is not the same as the pleasure. (Still, pleasure does not seem to be thought or perception-that would be strange; but because they are not found apart they appear to some people the same.) As activities are different, then, so are the corresponding pleasures. Now sight is superior to touch in purity, and hearing and smell to taste; the pleasures, therefore, are similarly superior, and those of thought superior to these, and within each of the two kinds some are superior to others.



But even of taste they appear to make little or no use; for the business of taste is the discriminating of flavours, which is done by winetasters and people who season dishes; but they hardly take pleasure in making these discriminations, or at least self-indulgent people do not, but in the actual enjoyment, which in all cases comes through touch, both in the case of food and in that of drink and in that of sexual intercourse.



There's none so foul and foolish thereunto,
But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do.



But= that ... not.
foul pranks "prank"= malicious or mischievous deeds. / "foul" ugly, dirty "pranks" i.e. sexual pranks or acts./ "pranks" licentious or mischievous tricks (Schmidt) 好色なまたは悪戯の策略。/ "foul pranks" この意味が正確には理解できなかった。わたしは「助平なこと」と意訳したが正しいかどうか。どなたか解説していただけませんでしょうか。(管理人)

Othello Act 2 Scene 1 対訳『オセロ』第二幕 第一場


With regard to the pleasures and pains and appetites and aversions arising through touch and taste, to which both self-indulgence and temperance were formerly narrowed down, it possible to be in such a state as to be defeated even by those of them which most people master, or to master even those by which most people are defeated; among these possibilities, those relating to pleasures are incontinence and continence, those relating to pains softness and endurance. The state of most people is intermediate, even if they lean more towards the worse states.




問答法 - Wikipedia


産婆術とは - コトバンク