(P.103,第2幕第3場,夏目漱石先生評釈Othello - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション


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for ever was Aeneas wroth against goodly Priam, for that brave though he was amid warriors Priam honoured him not a whit1. Then Deïphobus drew near and spake to him winged words:“Aeneas, counsellor of the Trojans, now in sooth it behoveth thee to bear aid to thy sister's husband, if in any wise grief for thy kin cometh upon thee. 

Nay, come thou with me, that we may bear aid to Alcathous, who, for all he was but thy sister's husband, reared thee in the halls when thou wast yet a little child; he, I tell thee, hath been slain of Idomeneus, famed for his spear.” So spake he, and roused the heart in the breast of Aeneas, and he went to seek Idomeneus, with high thoughts of war.

Were we but of like age and our mood such as now it is, then forthwith should he win great victory, or haply I.”

1 37.1

Homer. The Iliad with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in two volumes. Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1924.





1 37.1
ホメロス A.T. Murray, Ph.D. による英訳付き『The Iliad』(全2巻)。1924年

Homer, Iliad, Book 13, line 455


cast in his mood cast off in his (passing) mood of anger

Othello Act 2 Scene 3 対訳『オセロ』第二幕 第三場


アイシューエーテースの子 このアルカトオスは、トロイア人アイシューエーテースの子である[11][12]。アンキーセースの娘ヒッポダメイアと結婚した。優れた戦士で、トロイア戦争トロイアの武将の1人として戦った。トロイア勢とリュキア勢がギリシア軍の防壁に強襲をかけたときは、パリス、アゲーノールとともに第2部隊を指揮した[13]。しかし、防壁の内側に侵入した後の戦闘でイードメネウスに討たれることになった。それというのも、イードメネウスに手柄を与えんとした海神ポセイドーンが、アルカトオスの両眼を呪縛し、両手足を金縛りにかけたからで、アルカトオスが身動きできずに立ちすくんでいるところを、イードメネウスの槍に心臓を突き刺されて死んだ。アルカトオスを討ったイードメネウスはさらにデーイポボスを挑発したため、アルカトオスの遺体をめぐってイードメネウス、アスカラポス、アパレウス、デーイピュロス、メーリオネース、アンティロコスと、デーイポボス、アイネイアース、パリス、アゲーノールらが激しく戦った。そしてデーイポボスがアスカラポスを討つと戦闘はさらに激化した[14]。

アルカトオス - Wikipedia


to enwrap some one of the Trojans in the darkness of night, or himself to fall in warding off ruin from the Achaeans. Then the dear son of Aesyetes, fostered of Zeus, the warrior Alcathous—son by marriage was he to Anchises, and had married the eldest of his daughters, Hippodameia,

whom her father and queenly mother heartily loved in their hall, for that she excelled all maidens of her years in comeliness, and in handiwork, and in wisdom; wherefore the best man in wide Troy had taken her to wife—this Alcathous did Poseidon subdue beneath Idomeneus,

for he cast a spell upon his bright eyes and ensnared his glorious limbs that he might nowise flee backwards nor avoid the spear; but as he stood fixed, even as a pillar or a tree, high and leafy, the warrior Idomeneus
smote him with a thrust of his spear full upon the breast,





Homer, Iliad, Book 13, line 424


 brandishing their spears in wrath one at the other. First Alexander hurled his far-shadowing spear, and smote upon the son of Atreus' shield that was well balanced on every side ; howbeit the bronze brake not through but its point was turned in the stout shield. Next Atreus' son, Menelaus, rushed upon him with his spear,



Homer, Iliad, Book 3, line 340
