









構文文法 (construction grammar) は,この四半世紀の間で発展してきた認知言語学に基づく文法理論である.Lakoff, Fillmore, Goldberg, Kay などによって洗練されてきた.  構文という捉え方そのものは,統語論において長い伝統がある.構造言語学では当然視されていたし,その流れを汲んだ「文型」の考え方も,語学教育を通じて広く知られている.しかし,生成文法の登場により,従来の構文や文型は相対化され,二次的な付帯現象として扱われるようになった.

#1963. 構文文法|hellog~英語史ブログ


—In terms of language training programs in the United States, while they are not necessarily conducted by public institutions, isn't there a common or widely adopted quasi-standard program for second language learners in universities? If students don't achieve satisfactory grades in these programs before taking regular classes, aren't they unable to progress to the university curriculum?


In the United States, language training programs for second language learners can vary widely across universities and institutions. While there may not be a single, standardized program adopted universally, many universities do offer language courses or programs designed for non-native speakers of the language.

These language training programs are often part of the university's broader language departments or specialized language centers. The structure and requirements of these programs can differ, but they generally aim to help students develop proficiency in the target language. The courses may cover various aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural aspects related to the language.

As for progression to the university curriculum, the policies can vary. In some cases, universities may have language proficiency requirements for admission or for progression to certain programs. Students might be required to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency by achieving satisfactory grades in language training programs or through standardized language proficiency exams.

If students do not meet the language proficiency requirements, they may be required to continue with language training until they achieve the necessary proficiency level. In some instances, universities may offer support services such as language labs, tutoring, or additional courses to help students improve their language skills.

It's important for prospective students to check the specific language requirements and policies of the university they are interested in, as these can vary from institution to institution. Additionally, private language schools or community colleges may offer language training programs that can serve as a pathway to university-level language proficiency.




