About Shoichiro Takahashi                同様に、ゲーデルか、「ゲーデル」(スマリヤンデル)なのか?

  1. ルートヴィヒ・ウィトゲンシュタイン
    1889年04月26日 - 1951年04月29日
  2. クリスティ―ン・ラッド=フランクリン
    1847年12月01日 - 1930年03月05日
  3. クルト・ゲーデル
    1906年04月28日 - 1978年01月14日


橋本 康二 (Kouji Hashimoto) - マイポータル - researchmap



 二千数百年に渡って西洋思想を支配してきたアリストテレス論理学(名辞論理学、伝統的論理学、三段論法論理学、とも呼ばれる)は、ゴットロープ・フレーゲによる論理学革命によって、述語論理学に取って代わられて今日に到っており、述語論理学の支配は今後も永久に続くだろうと信じられている。しかし、この革命は一夜にして成就したわけではなく、少なく見ても、一八七九年のフレーゲの『概念記法』(1)の出版から、一九一〇年のアルフレッド・ノース・ホワイトヘッドバートランド・ラッセルの『プリンキピア・マテマティカ 第一巻』(2)の出版までは、新旧両体制が入り混じっていた革命期と見なせるだろう。この革命の最中に登場したのが、クリスティーン・ラッド=フランクリン(3)である。




 ウィトゲンシュタインの草稿がもっとも目ざましい開花を見せたのは、彼の学問上のふるさとケンブリッジにおいてである。それはオスワルト版の翌22年、『論理哲学論』Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus というタイトルで独英対訳本として出版された。ムーアの勧告によるといわれるこのタイトルは、おそらくスピノザの『神学政治論』Tractatus theologico politicus にならったのであろう。基礎的な命題から、十進法で次々と派生的命題を導出してゆく本書の方法は、幾何学的な方法で進んでいく『エティカ』の方法に似ていないこともない。さらに論理主義と神秘主義の共存交流という点に関するかぎり、両者は通ずるところがある。





An Investigation of the Laws of Thought by George Boole | Project Gutenberg

第13章 クラークとスピノザ

 Now if the last of the views above adverted to be taken (for it is not proposed to consider either the purely ideal or the purely nominalist view) and if it be inquired what, in the sense above stated, are the proper objects of science, objects in relation to which its propositions are true without any mixture of error, it is conceived that but one answer can be given. It is, that neither do individual objects of experience, nor with all probability do the mental images which they suggest, possess any strict claim to this title. It seems to be certain, that neither in nature nor in art do we meet with anything absolutely agreeing with the geometrical definition of a straight line, or of a triangle, or of a circle, though the deviation therefrom may be inappreciable by sense ; and it may be conceived as at least doubtful, whether we can form a perfect mental image, or conception, with which the agreement shall be more exact. But it is not doubtful that such conceptions, however imperfect, do point to something beyond themselves, in the gradual approach towards which all imperfection tends to disappear. Although the perfect triangle, or square, or circle, exists not in nature, eludes all our powers of representative conception, and is presented to us in thought only, as the limit of an indefinite process of abstraction, yet, by a wonderful faculty of the understanding, it may be made the subject of propositions which are absolutely true. The domain of reason is thus revealed to us as larger than that of imagination.


 Though the “ Ethics” of Spinoza, like a large portion of his other writings, is presented in the geometrical form, it does not afford a good praxis for the symbolical method of this work. Of course every train of reasoning admits, when its ultimate premises are truly determined, of being treated by that method ; but in the present instance, such treatment scarcely differs, except in the use of letters for words, from the processes employed in the original demonstrations. Reasoning which consists so largely of a play upon terms defined as equivalent, is not often met with ; and it is rather on account of the interest attaching to the subject, than of the merits of the demonstrations, highly as by some they are esteemed, that I have devoted a few pages here to their exposition.




Problem of universals - Wikipedia


普遍論争(the problem of universals)では、唯名論とその対立概念である実在論や観念論との間で様々なアイデアが交わされました。この論争は、普遍(universals)が実在するのか、あるいは単なる名前や概念に過ぎないのかといった問題に焦点を当てています。


  1. 唯名論(Nominalism):

    • 普遍は単なる名前や言葉の便宜上の取り決めに過ぎない。言葉や概念は、具体的な個々の事物や経験から抽象化されたものであり、普遍はそれに過ぎない。
  2. 実在論(Realism):

    • 普遍は実在し、特定の個々の事物に共通する実在する本質や属性を指すものである。普遍は具体的な事例から抽象化されたものであり、それが実在すると考える。
  3. 観念論(Idealism):

    • 普遍は意識や精神の中で構築され、存在する。物事の本質や存在は個々の意識に依存し、それが存在するときに初めて普遍が成り立つ。






第22章 知性の構成

 Now a little consideration will show that there is nothing: analogous to this in the government of the world by natural law. The realm of inorganic Nature admits neither of preference nor of distinctions. We cannot separate any portion of her laws from the rest, and pronounce them alone worthy of obedience, — alone charged with the fulfilment of her highest purpose. On the contrary, all her laws seem to stand co-ordinate, and the larger our acquaintance with them, the more necessary does their united action seem to the harmony and, so far as we can comprehend it, to the general design of the system. How often the most signal departures from apparent order in the inorganic world, such as the perturbations of the planetary system, the interruption of the process of crystallization by the intrusion of a foreign force, and others of a like nature, either merge into the conception of some more exalted scheme of order, or lose to a more attentive and instructed gaze their abnormal aspect, it is needless to remark. One explanation only of these facts can be given, viz., that the distinction between true and/o/se, between correct and incorrect , exists in the processes of the intellect, but not in the region of a physical necessity. As we advance from the lower stages of organic being to the higher grade of conscious intelligence, this contrast gradually dawns upon us. Wherever the phenomena of life are manifested, the dominion of rigid law in some degree yields to that mysterious principle of activity. Thus, although the structure of the animal tribes is conformable to certain general types, yet are those types sometimes, perhaps, in relation to the highest standards of beauty and proportion, always, imperfectly realized. The two alternatives, between which Art in the present day fluctuates, are the exact imitation of individual forms, and the endeavour, by abstraction from all such, to arrive at the conception of an ideal grace and expression, never, it may be, perfectly manifested in forms of earthly mould. Again, those teleological adaptations by which, without the organic type being sacrificed, species become fitted to new conditions or abodes, are but slowly accomplished, — accomplished, however, not, apparently, by the fateful power of external circumstances, but by the calling forth of an energy from within. Life in all its forms may thus be contrasted with the passive fixity of inorganic nature. But inasmuch as the perfection of the types in which it is corporeally manifested is in some measure of an ideal character, inasmuch as we cannot precisely define the highest suggested excellency of form and of adaptation, the contrast is less marked here than that which exists between the intellectual processes and those of the purely material world. For the definite and technical character of the mathematical laws by which both are governed, places in stronger light the fundamental difference between the kind of authority which, in their capacity of government, they respectively exercise.





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